Friday, July 01, 2005


prayers:for those to come
lift yr skinny fists like antenna to heaven.
bless the arrows of burning through thought to skin from heaven an beyond. bless her, slim drumroll fingers quick steps an deep kisses to fall through. it comes, rolling through dark night barreling down mtns quick to speed right on over. bless her sweet fingers an hands connected through blues in dark bars of midnight not long forgot.
amongst the aged an abandoned we come ready for love, passion beat yr heart, break yr life out kind, in kind get going gone. in she come. workaday traffic slumped shoulder gorgeous like the dirty floors of mexican temples hidden blessed behind hero trees stoic guardians to that which time forgot. here she come tragiced from the south wide empty of texas feeling killed by some other time with some other lover that too time will forgot. it got stung deep an heard music an felt the knees weaken an the soul stir an deep pools of words that were left fer dead gather resources an head for the castle. blessed be the spaces between breath an ribs an arch of back i could write in them. she it her. them they too.
excuse the rust it has been awhile.
providencethat which makes you forget you should be spending yr time a wasting not creating cause aint nobody no where going to pay for this, genius. drinks to be poured, an still the rust hangs hard an fast making you double take delete the whole fucking thing we don't want to be that anymore. we don't want that no sleep any more, we don't want that abuse any more, just lie it out die it out don't you dare have these thoughts about resurrection. she the kick start blessed be the declination of man across her silk skin across her unnamed miserys an broken heart, blessed be the hot breath to whispered prayers to silent thought to slow drives back to ???i get heart sick. take them down burn them want to rip the hands off because who wants to go a ruining presents for people to create the character to motion the story off towards infinity. who wants to go a ruining beauty for pages to kick start a machine almost left for dead. see i hoped to give it all up an die quick. see i didn't want to remember, see i don't think i could write in blood anymore see i am trying to abandon the beast see my father the monster taking woman over marriage an you just want to be good not write holy not content an see there is no return. some to few will celebrate some to more will lay in agony rolling bones in empty sheets wondering who blew the breeze who made the ship take sail holes an all out towards the horizon.
blessed be the children anonymous dreaming sweet about a future they do go create. for them to come this night is yrs. blessed be the maniac whose power grows who made this keyboard sing. blessed be the eyes of humanity searching ready relying on hope to come. shes a rainbow kind you think about later in sundresses an lemonade think of later leaning in wicker chairs holding court smiling with some joe somebody that made a life whole. an i wish it could be me. the repairer
the entertainer
the make it better
all i got is howls dark stages deep bellows about the hobos on fifth street who get loaded an whistle tunes about beach boys an hot rods. all i got is lust songs writ to pome about lust it outs in near tears to no sound but the traffic steam rolling by. all i got is the want to be...
all i got is this providence this fated fucking ghost hanging about my neck saying 'bring a god damned crowbar if you have to but get that pearl out. don't bleak it out get dirty on yr knees prayer it out with the squirrels an earth worms till you understand the true glory god doth create.' an i got no church but the vast empty skies an dark corners of electric pounding. an i got no memories allowed that don't start in the Idaho mtn ranges with ben whitney an anthony. see there is first love an that is what you find see there was the beginning love an that is what you go a weeping for before one year or three weeks or whatever when the gloves come off an the bones go, 'i got to go through this?' blessed be the moonlight highlighting her one o'clock form closed lid kiss goodbye. i trace her essence across my face an chest remembering. i tremble in the morning what battles lie ahead.
i fall to laughter when it comes whispering through the wind:
'Providence, now on yr feet we got miles to go before were done.'phoenixed, weak winged, freshly reborn, she maybe beauty but will she come?
blessed be the heroics an tears that brought her here.'

st phillip uncrossed her long legs.
-this is a vision- write i.
He is there amongst the baby blue of sky and universe. he is on the ground spread like a snow angel rattled by the demons in the cage. it comes across dry lips, of the blessed, the words of love that tear through and send you knotty into the world of sanitized. i will call to him there, i will blow great billowy formations of grey smoke through my nose and across teeth (at him). Maybe we could go to the movie sit amongst the smell of armpits and popcorn. maybe there is a television show on and we can sit amongst the smell of ourselves. he will know, he knows everything now before it is lost forever in notes across the piano. alphonsus the music maker will curl his guitar like a child upon his lap. he will know like the river that rolls off towards angel star and tortured second class moon light. he will bless the water, humanity, concrete towers and neon lights. for they struggle, for they are good. then he will play, humming words across his new york lips, tapping his size twelve cracker bread toes. some will call him sexy amongst the light. with the shadows under eyes in the shape of headstones, for all that you lose is dead, every moment that you are moving forward you are killing the current and while you move forward you are omnipotent.
-this is all imagined- write i.
before the words there is the tragedy. the convulsions, the long months of writhing amongst the dust across the floor. trying in vain to become st miracle of the mexican slat board temples imagined in


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