Monday, July 02, 2007


I got an hr on my hands.
sometimes you can hear the road heave against the heat and stomp of military boot black tires. when did they all get new cars? when did they grow up to all these fine homes that squat down over the ruins of their childhood home. what once wildwood st is now winterwood estates all glammed up. three story monoliths with absent yards an great yawning windows close to neighbors yawning windows so that they dance about like giant duendoms? sp that thing in the back of yr throat.
when did little girls start to mature so fast? an it seems like the youth are into gymnasiums and weights whence i was trying to burn my eyes out having a stare out with the sun.
i got grey hairs now, long tendrils of age that lean saucily all about the belly button or across the brawn of shoulders like sailors just off shore leave.
i get lost in ideas sometimes. my keyboard is too tight, an my fingers big and lazy. i can remember something important that i had to say in the wilderness of my youth in poetry. now gone savage. i can remember the lean alleys of this town where i sweet hearted my share of women each giggles and purse lips, each long leg click clack horse tracking it about the grey asphalt.
i once ate 10 sundaes and dreamt of stories as some dreamt through commercials.
i still do
how to talk to the workaday man with his life in the fury of wife children work god doom death
im certain its easy find a mirror!
i get back aches from age and night terrors that i pissed it all away. i get horrible sweat throughs that cause me to wake at three and stink my pillow to the anguish of poor wife.
im sorry
let this be written right now in the internets unalterable pages
i love my wife.
you ever get lost? you ever been on your way had yr little boat yr humble oars and a fine compass and map? you ever get tossed about by the convincing wind off course and map gone compass broke just floated desolate amongst the unending bosom of sea? seen age friends importance fall away like so much plankton till its just the vacant long stare the floating orphan look of the abandoned beast?
i could be pretty once stare at buildings fr hrs reciting pome's not worry fr nothing cause warm breeze god whispered 'its all right everything gonna be alright' ...
well short space
i lost that
an ah wifey
slowly yr bringing it back.
fr now im humping it out sweating the long days back breaking it as the post man. amongst the army of other post men.
i got's a house with a deck that i can sit on , nothing overwhelming, humble stuff but its somewhere to stare.
i got church now, but fr how long? heart wavers.
i got ideas flowing and the damn still holds but i can feel her shake i can feel her giving way.
im giving it all away, quit smoking years ago, now booze now chemical food. all this strength fr what. all this time in the gym all this moving forward for what...
we had two miscarriages in three months.
i think its because i quit writing
i think until i create i wont procreate.
or it could be from the recent historical training of aborting all my thoughts an imagings.
a poem to dead babies!
i got drunk
on expensive booze
each time
i got stained shirts an undies
frm her tears an blood
we flush flowers
down the toilet
an burn incense
pregnancy tests
rub bellies
pinch cheeks
of friends
an passers by
eat like kings
an make love too soon
we stay out of the diaper aisle
tell everyone
good news
then bad
and bring our sleeping bags
to the obygn
an think of you
of the future else
or you
as she high arches
my penis
so all the sperm
will make the test cut

you could think of everything or just blimp out on krispy kreme...
i can feel it like an oil tanker
the mood of this city slowly turning
out of the dark dangerous water
with oden
with this hour
with her as love
moving into the warmth
of the caribbean
this is fr pete an diesel and MCK cause i will always lead with them in prayer.

a story!

my name is earl...earl b wang and this is my story.
i live in a small one bedroom apartment it is furnished mostly by the danish. this apartment is located in a busy neighborhood in nw portland in the heart of a vibrant singles scene. my father was born in japan. people say i look like misa oka and i use it to bang hot bitches.
who ever believes that a hollywood star is in portland and wants to sleep with them doesnt really believe it but just needed an excuse to say okay.
we live isolated lives. we live alone
it gets boring
there is only so many times you can satisfy yrself during commercial breaks or as you get ready for work.
the gym is for homo's and married men. the women that go there are either too fat, married or in such shape that they cant ovulate and thus have no sex drive.
i have heard of men who love to sleep with women that have no periods because they can't get pregnant. but i think thats phony in all of life there has to be some risk involved.
my favorite drink is patron silver because it doesnt give you a headache.
the worst part of portland is that everyone has to be something more than themselves. most are aspiring artists but that just means broke assholes. i decided to just be an asshole and use the extra money and time that i am not using to create art or buy supplies to bang hot bitches.
all women are really interested in someone that appears stable, smiles when they listen.
the best thing about women is that after you bang them there is a slight moment where they are deciding whether or not you were a mistake or really are the next boyfriend. i use this opportunity to tell them it was a mistake. either by rolling away and not cuddling or setting my cellphone alarm to go off at time i estimate to be near touching story during cuddling time. this i answer and pretend to be talking nice to somebody.
they ask who it is
i will say friend or co worker. either is interpreted as a woman. when they ask if you have slept with her that is the moment to make a statement like 'no way, she has morales.
this starts a fight an we are on our way to freedom.
i should state that i have never had anal sex.
though i am interested in the idea i still think that it could make you gay.
i use to think that gays were just too scared to kill themselves with outright suicide so instead they take the long slow path of non creation.
now i dont give a shit what they do.
i give out a phony california number to hot bitches in bars that when they call it goes to an answering service that i pay to answer for a phony company called eagle talent agency. they will usually buy this.
if your not married you shouldnt care how great you are in bed. if you only make love to them once what does it matter the size of your penis. im also only going to marry a virgin so she wont know the difference.
the real problem with faking you're a big hollywood suckass is that you have to watch the show. i mean if i run into a fan of the fucking thing then before i get the sweet vagina i have to do a little show history an prediction.
i would screw an old lady.
i mean if she was hot.
im what thirty so i think i would go up to about fifty three. if she had a lot of money or a nice car i would take on a pig.
people say that your a lousy person for having standards but i think thats natural selection. as i dont wear a condom or pull out (i say i got that V done) i want any illegitimate children to have the best chance.
if i ever saw some lady who said she had my kid. i dont know it would be kind of funny.

earl b wang ladies and gentleman.


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